
Out-of-band / 带外数据

1. A person is involved in a discussion with a group of people. During the discussion, he decides that some information is best kept between himself and one other member of the group, exclusively -- whether for privacy reasons, or merely the need to avoid saturating the entire group with information they do not need. His communication with that individual may be considered out-of-band, relative to the group discussion.

1. 一个人加入到一个讨论组中。在这个讨论期间,他决定有些信息最好对这个组的其他人保密。无论是私人的原因或者是仅仅是为了避免这些对这个组无用的信息。他的这个与个别人的这种交流就可以看成是out-of-band(相对于这个讨论组)

2. A person is at his place of work, and he is communicating with someone outside of his work place (for example, by Internet or telephone, using his employer's computer or telephone equipment). He decides that key parts of his conversation are best kept private from his employer, such as if he were discussing plans to change jobs. He would use his personal cell phone to transmit sensitive messages to, and receive related messages from, his external contact, in order to avoid use of his employer's phone or computer network. In this situation, his personal cell phone communications are considered out-of-band, relative to the main conversation.

2. 一个人在他的工作场所,他与外面的人交流(如打电话).他觉得有些谈话内容最好不要让老板知道,如想跳槽。他可以用他的手机来发送,接收敏感的信息,而不通过老板电话或计算机网络。这种情况下,手机就可以称做是out-of-band了,相对于这个主要的谈话。

[From wikipedia]
